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We covered:
- Cupping whilst fasting
- Intimacy
- Unintentionally eating
- Medical issues – eye drops, ear drops, injections, blood tests
- Vomiting
- Travelling
We covered:
- Importance in hastening to break the fast
- Suhoor & its correct timing
- Breaking the fast with dates
- Continuous fasting
- Actions which diminish reward
- Intimacy and its rulings
We covered:
- Benefits of fasting
- Impermissiblity of fasting on the day of doubt
- Importance of the intention
- Using calculations to determine the start of Ramadaan
We Covered:
- The religion is complete. There is no more revelation & only Islaam is acceptable to Allaah
- The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallaam passed away
- He was buried in the home of Aa’isha radhiallaahu anha
Lesson 14
We Covered:
- The Hijrah from Makkah to Madeenah
- Various rulings regarding Hijrah from non-Muslim lands to Muslim lands
- Ruling on visiting countries of the non-Muslims for holidays
- Legitimate reasons to go to a non-Muslim country
- Types of revelation revealed prior to and after the Hijrah
- Death of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam
Lesson 13
We covered:
- The third principle. Knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam
- His lineage, when he was born. When he was made a Prophet and when he was made a Messenger
- Initial revelation was regarding Tawheed and Shirk
- He began his message with warning from Shirk and calling to Tawheed – the obligatory prayer was legislated about 10 years into Prophethood
- The prayer and how it was revealed on the night of Israa wal Mi’raaj
Lesson 11:
We covered:
- Types of deeds in the weighing scale
- Consequences of oppressing others
- The Hawdh – Lake given to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam
- Siraat – Bridge over the Hellfire
- Shafaa’ah – Intercession
- Eemaan in the Decree – it’s four levels
- Ihsaan – the highest level for a believer
Lesson 10:
We covered:
- Eemaan in the Barzakh
- Death
- Trial of the grave
- Punishment / blessings of the grave
- Signs of the Day of Judgement
- Blowing of the Horn
- Weighing scale
Lesson 9:
We covered:
- Continuing 5 pillars – Salaah, Zakaah, Sawm, Hajj
- Eemaan: Belief in the heart, statements & actions – it increases & decreases
- Intro to the 6 pillars of Eemaan
Lesson 8:
We covered:
- What is your religion?
- The religion is of 3 levels: Islaam, Eemaan and Ihsaan
- The first pillar of Islaam – The Shahaadah & its conditions